The citric acid of lemon (and lime) - a bactericide agent
Traslation by Susan Strickland*
Citrus in Latim means lime. Therefore all the citric fruits are etymologically related to lime. Lime is the most citric of the fruits of its family, it is the father of them all.
There is a classical saying about lime that holds a certain truth: " Lime is a natural antibiotic". Many think that this power is in its vitamin C but that is a general mistake.
The juice derived from lime is relatively poor in Vitamin C specially if compared to orange juices, tangerines, ACEROLA, GOIABA, or kiwi. Yet, lime has about five times more vitamin C in its skin - about 150mg/100g - than in its juice - about 40mg/100g.
The explanation for the bactericide and antibiotic power is again in its high rate of citric acid which is between 5 and 7%, regardless of its variety.
It is a fact that in the Food Industry the citric acid and its citrates are massively used as natural preservatives for processed foods. In other words it has been used to prevent bacterial growth, bacillus and fungi. So the citric acid is a bactericide for industrialized foods and drinks.
When there is a wound in an internal mucous membrane (being stomach, intestines, etc.) or external (such as skin or nasal cavity) a good procedure is to treat it with fresh lime juice, ideally diluted according to appropriate formula for each case.
A good proof of this, the millennial Ayurvedic Medicine treats all digestive problems with solutions prepared from lime.
An important tip for all who wish to be healthy, specially pregnant women, children, teenagers and elderly should consume fresh natural juices (nothing frozen, canned, processed or preserved) containing green leaves (kale, mint, parsley, lecture) raw seeds and sprouts, and raw roots, but always associated with the fresh juice of 1 lime/person to:
1. Alkalize the body strengthening the immunity system;
2. Help in the fixation of minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium (that are present in such juices);
3. Enable healthy breathing and cell communication (brain and body);
4. Optimize digestion and generate vital energy;
5. Cicatrization of tissues and gum;
6. Fight bacterias and spiteful microorganisms.
As you can see on the side picture, the citric acid molecule has a short chain of 3 carbons, compressed by 3 voluminous groups of carboxyl (-COOH). Therefore it is about a tricarboxyl acid and such configuration gives it a remarkable power:
a) Complexing, or capable of fixing cations such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. This attribute makes it a mineralizing agent and;
b) BUFFER, or so to say, stabilizing agent for the pH on watery mediums, being the main alkalizing agent for body metabolism of man and animals;
c) Takes part in the Krebs Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle when plays a fundamental role in cell breathing and creation of human energy.
In this way it plays an important role stabilizing the pH of body liquids, in brain electrochemistry (cell communication) and all over the body, in the system of bone formation and maintenance, in cell breathing and all the production of energy of human life.
Krebs Cycle, Citric Acid Cycle or The Cycle of Tricarboxyl Acids
It is a metabolic route, a sequence of chemical reactions responsible for:
- the breathing of all aerobic cells;
- energy generation derived from the 'oxidative digestion' of carbohydrates,
fats (fatty acid) and proteins (amino acids).
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Read also: The acid components of Lime
It is recommended the thorough reading of the books The Healing Power of Lime and Detoxicating Alimentation (in translation to english).
These contain usage indication and recipes. The fact that lime is a natural fruit does not excuse the need of its conscious responsible use.
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